Have You Seen Us in The News?
The impact of Lets Go Services has been featured in many local news segments and media interviews.
Meet Our Board of Directors and Officers

Theresa M. Sears
Founder & Executive Director
Mrs. Sears was born in Dublin, Ireland. She moved to America when she was twenty years old. She is married with two grown children. In her early days in America she worked with children in daycare centers and preschools. She taught at Landmark Christian School for six years. While there noticed that families were struggling with transportation issues. That’s when she started her company Transporting Angels LLC. She expanded this business from driving schoolchildren to providing non-emergency medical transportation to those with disabilities, Veterans and the elderly. While getting to know her clients she noticed that transportation was putting a tremendous burden on them and their families. So, in 2017 the planning began for Lets Go Services, a non-profit company that would provide transportation that would go beyond driving clients from a to b but also offer help when they arrived at their destination.

Christopher E. Bystryk, Sr.
Chairman & President
Mr. Bystryk holds a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and Marketing from Canisius College. He has 34 years of management experience. His first management position was at the age of 14 with his father’s construction company. Since he has grown through the ranks as a front-line manager, middle management, to senior management and now President and CEO of a company he founded in 2005. He has been a part of multiple startups and new market segmentations for several firms. Mr. Bystryk is a member of several of Board Of Directors. Recently he has turned his time and attention to giving back to the community and is honored to be a part of Lets Go Services.

Shawn M. Sears
Shawn landed his first full time job at a local printing franchise in Richmond. He demonstrated a strong work ethic and exhibited dedication and loyalty to the owner of that company for fifteen years. During his printing career Shawn met and married his wife Terri. They had a daughter, Mandy, and a son Noel. Shortly after Noel was born Shawn was hired by the Henrico Police Division. He graduated from the academy and worked his way through the ranks. He attained the rank of Captain and has commanded specialized units since 2004. As a unit commander, Shawn has honed his supervisory skills in areas such as personnel management, human resources, conflict resolution, and communications. He has also enhanced his fiscal abilities by being responsible for the management of a budget of more than $1.5 Million. Other areas of financial responsibility include procurement and purchasing of goods and services as well as planning for cuts and supplements as deemed necessary for each fiscal year. Shawn is also active in his community. He attends Fairmount Christian Church in Mechanicsville, Virginia, where he serves as a deacon. He also actively participates in the Life Group Ministry, the Junior Church Program, and Vacation Bible School.

Amanda S. Higgins
Mrs. Higgins has a master’s degree in teaching from Virginia Commonwealth University. While attending VCU she worked as an administrative assistant to the late Dr. William Bosher at the Commonwealth Education Policy Institute. She has five years teaching experience and is currently teaching third grade at Seven Pines Elementary School in Sandston, Virginia. As a part of the education system Mrs. Higgins believes that community relationships are extremely important. She is grateful to have the opportunity to serve as secretary of Let’s Go Services- an organization whose vision is to create a better everyday life for those in the community.